From the recording Marry Me Margret

Why Thursdays? What’s the deal? Margret fills us in.


And they dance before me legs entwined.
And their embrace is ecstatic and twisting and tangling.
And now more money is required.
And after the operation I vanished for a time and was discovered by a night nurse in a laundry cross the street eyes affixed to an Amana dryer.
And in those hours escaped I experienced such profound emotion from those garments bathed in life.
And in the many medicated days and nights after I Demerol dream of smooth sheets on my skin her panties on the dresser his jeans on the floor.
And after I’m mostly healed I apply sallow makeup and in Mary’s old chair sit ashy and anemic on the street and when quarters assemble journey to the washateria and quaver at the tumble of a slitted skirt.
And that is nice but not nearly enough.
So I am back at Lisa’s Laundry and instead of a teddy I search for a bear and in the second tier drier it pirouettes madly then it’s hidden by an apron and wrestled by a house dress and entertains the children’s overalls.
And they are my family now till Thursday next.
And from them I have a borrowed blessed love to give the empty men on the sidewalk.
And that works fine for them and it works fine for me. Because I love the first kiss and I love to be carried and I love to be pure and I love to be loved.